Body image and how we view ourselves as women is never an easy topic to cover. Many people don’t know how to address it so it's easier to avoid it. Many of us have struggled with it off and on most of our lives and have just accepted that this is how it is. The Good News of Jesus is that the gospel doesn’t shy away from hard topics. It doesn’t avoid uncomfortable subjects, but instead Jesus speaks perfect life and truth over them. We don’t have to wonder what God thinks about this topic because He gives us His word and there are tons of verses on how He sees us! Sara and Kathy talk about the importance of allowing what God sees in us to shape what we see in ourselves. God made you perfectly (yes, even your little stomach pooch!). He knew what he was doing and He doesn’t make mistakes! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are beautiful. You are His workmanship. He took time and detail when creating every part of you. Tune in today to hear how the gospel of Jesus actually makes you beautiful. It makes people crave to be around you and when you have Him, you carry a light that you didn’t have before! He knit you together in your mother’s womb and calls you beautiful daughter. What amazing grace!