It is very trendy to “brand” yourself right now and social media is filled with influencers and brand ambassadors. What does it mean to be an influencer? Today Sara and Kathy discuss how we, as Christian women, are all ambassadors for Christ. The way we live our life tells people a story, and as believers we can either be good or bad ambassadors for Jesus. What is the fruit you are showing as a representative of Christ? Are you making people want Jesus with the way you speak or treat people? Do you live in peace or chaos? We have the good news that many people don’t know about and our actions do matter as believers. We have a high calling and to be able to fulfill our role, be useful and eternally significant to the Kingdom, we must know Jesus. Just like influencers must know their product, we must know ours! The best way to be transformed into a useful disciple of Christ is to pursue Him, know Him, believe Him and trust that as you do that, He will change you from the inside out. He truly is all we need and in a world that seems to be falling apart, that is good good news. When we are changed by the gospel, it comes out of us naturally and people crave the peace that comes with knowing and being known by Him. Allow yourself to get curious about Jesus this week, open your bible and see what it means to be an influencer for Jesus. He is better than anything and is more than enough! He is worth it.