We are wrapping up our “I am” series (for now) with the statement "I am complete in Jesus". Today Sara and Kathy recap all of the “I am” statements they have covered throughout the last 11 episodes. Our identity is the root of so many issues so it was important to start the podcast and address the root problem. Many of us struggle to believe who we TRULY are. It is God’s grace for us to be able to embrace who Jesus says we are and when he does, it changes our identity. Actually, it changes everything. We want you to experience the grace that we have (and continue to experience) in finding your identity fully in Christ, because He is enough! He is all you need! One of the best ways to know and believe you are complete in Him is by pouring into the Word of God. It is alive and as you read it, He gives you the heart to believe it. It is a process but remember all scripture is God-breathed and He promises to complete the work He has started! The best thing is that whether you believe it or not, these truths are TRUE about you. Embrace your identity in Jesus this week. Rest in the fact that you are complete because of Jesus and allow that to stir your heart to fall deeper in love with His word.