Previous Episode: A Better New Year
Next Episode: Attitude Of Gratitude

I'm sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable, black leather papa chair in my living room after a very satisfying day. I went to get my driver's license renewed today. They take your picture. It didn't do me justice. It really looks like me. Well at least my teeth aren't wrinkled.
I brought along a picture of George Clooney, and I asked the woman in charge to use that on my license. I said, "Who'd notice the difference." She looked at me as if one more word and she was going to put me on the terrorist no fly list. And they make you sign your name. They printed my grown up name on the license... Richard Summer. But I signed it with my real name Dick Summer. I like to be called Dick. In today's politically correct world, the word Dick gets a little attention. I like attention.