Previous Episode: Christmas Again
Next Episode: Look Out Little Dickie

I'm sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable black leather poppa chair in my living room, looking at a new calendar propped up on the shelf over the fireplace with a brand new number where 2012 used to be. The world is still here, and so are we. We didn't pay much attention to the people who took that Mayan calendar stuff seriously. We sort of pinned a sign on their backs that said, "Gone crazy, be back soon."
But hey, what if they were right? Just think, no income tax this April. Arizona would never become beachfront property because of global warming, and we wouldn't have to suffer through another avalanche of stupid political commercials in the next election.
But then I started wondering what would we do if we believed the hype, and really figured we had only one more year to live. Would we get holier or hotter? I think I'd cut loose. How about you?