Previous Episode: Look Out Little Dickie

I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather papa chair in my living room, and my legs are hurting, and I'm trying to remember what my Lady Wonder Wench wanted me to do with her car tomorrow, and I'm looking at a blank page where the copy for a new TV commercial that's due tomorrow is supposed to be...and in general, I'm feeling like an oldie-mouldy.
Do you ever get that feeling? Like old age is creeking up on you. You feel like your social security number could be one. Like when God said, "Let there be light" were the one who flipped the switch. You feel yourself going from why not to why bother. You're tempted to go to a dentist and have him put braces on your dentures to make you feel younger.
Is that what's bothering you? Huh? Does it seem like your wild oats have turned to shredded wheat? Don't complain. Remember the Attitude/Gratitude Connection. As Big Louie, his own bad self says: "We have enough youth. How about a fountain of smart?"