When life hands me lemons, I squirt life in the eye with the lemons.  -- Josh Shipp


[bctt tweet=" When life hands me lemons, I squirt life in the eye with the lemons. -- Josh Shipp"]

I saw Josh Shipp one Sunday morning while watching Sunday Morning. I have been a Sunday Morning fan for many years and watched it faithfully. I would get up early on Sunday, grab my newspaper, fix my coffee and sit down in front of the TV to watch Sunday Morning on CBS. They always have great segments about people, places, and passions.

When I saw Josh, I was amazed at his energy and his message. A great leader for teens and at-risk teens especially.

Click Here for to see Sunday Morning Web Page on the episode.

Check out Josh's page to learn more about his message and what he has done for teens.

Here's an interview with Josh on one of my favorite podcasts, Eventual Millionaire with Jaime Tardy.

Connect with Josh on Twitter

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