Wisdom comes with age!


I found this quote from one of my good friends on Facebook. Jon Shumacher posted this on Facebook and I had to add this wise lady's comment as a Quote of the Day.

"Best advice I heard today....

Came from a 90 year old women (who could barely talk)

I asked her if she was worried about her health as she gets older?

She said,"No".

I asked her how she could avoid her worries.

Her answer was epic....

She said,

"I convert all of my worries into goals. Goals are something you can do something about, worries don't do anything." - Wisdom of a 90 Year Old Lady

[bctt tweet="I convert all of my worries into goals. Goals are something you can do something about, worries don't do anything. - Wisdom of a 90 Year Old"]

That really says it all and the biggest take away from the entire conversation is "WORRIES DON'T DO ANYTHING".

A 90 year old lady isn't worried about her health, she isn't worried about anything. That's probably how she's been able to live to be 90.

She turns her worries into goals. What a great concept.

If you are worried about your health, create a goal to maintain it or to change it, whichever it needs to be.

If you are worried about whether you will be able to pay the bills at the end of the month, convert it to a goal that you can create an action plan around, monitor and eventually reward yourself for achieving.

Worries don't do anything.

If you are tired of Worrying About It, You need to create a goal, set an action plan, then monitor your progress to ensure you will complete the goals.

I've put together the Goal Getter Action Plan Worksheet that you can get to do just that.  You can get your copy by CLICKING on the Goal Getter Action Plan button below, let us know where to email it to and we will send you your Goal Getter Action Plan right away.

Goal Getter Action Plan

We also have a Goal Getter Measurement Worksheet to help you keep track of your progress, measure your action steps and set rewards for successful completion of your actions. You can get your Goal Getter Measurement Worksheet by CLICKING on the Goal Getter Measurement Worksheet button below and we will email it to you.

Goal Getter Measurement Worksheet


I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audibles service to try them out.

Just click the link in the Blue Box to get to the Audible sign up!

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