Internally displaced persons and citizens of last mile communities often have to travel miles to receive the healthcare they need. After a mothers long trek to a medical center in Cameroon, Elvis Ndansi untied a dead baby from the mothers back. A baby who had passed due to preventable and treatable condition - Malaria. Having grown up in a last mile community with his single mother, Elvis made it his mission to bring life-saving healthcare to these communities. On todays episode, Elvis Ndansi tells his remarkable story. Born and raised in Misaje, Elvis went straight to work at a farm after school every day. He drew inspiration from  his mother, Rosaline Leh Ndansi, when she became a nurse assistant and he got to see the impact she made on the village. 

Ndansi has gone on to become the Founder and President of UNITE FOR HEALTH.  In 2021, one of his micro clinics provided free delivery for 47 internally displaced women found in the urban community in Yaoundé. But he has also become an expert in Global Health beyond last mile communities. The Obama Foundation selected him as one of the 12 uprising leaders from across the world for the inaugural cohort of the scholar's program at Columbia University 2018-2019. Listen to today's episode to hear his heroing story and learn what it means to be a global change-maker.

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Related episode(s) on maternal and child healthcare:

Why Are Infants Dying From Preventable Causes?You Mean, It's Not All Kegels?

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