Have you ever tried to approach your parents about the prospect of going to therapy? Sometimes, our readiness to break generational cycles can look like a threat to our parents. Today, we're going to dive into an incredibly important topic that is often overlooked in the South Asian community - intergenerational trauma. I'm joined by Anjali Badrinath, a master's student of clinical mental health counseling at the College of New Jersey. Anjali went from being a pharmacy major to pursuing clinical mental health counseling and she’s a passionate advocate on a mission to normalize therapy in the South Asian community. 

Speaking with Anjali, we realized how much we had in common as first generation with South Asian parents. Many of you who are listening may be first generation Americans. This can lead to something called intergenerational conflict, which is compounded with an intercultural struggle. It can get pretty messy when you identify with your family's cultural background but also want to embrace being an American. Oftentimes, South Asians are dissuaded from seeking therapy using something called the collectivist framework. But on the bright side, we are slowly but surely breaking the stigma of mental health conditions within the South Asian community.

Check out the shownotes here

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