In developed countries like the United States, one in every four women experience at least one or more pelvic floor dysfunctions. This can bring symptoms like urinary or fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pain, and or more. Unfortunately, these issues bring a lot of shame and many women who are in need of intervention might not even know that pelvic floor therapy exists. So today, i’m learning more with Dr. Charis Hamilton. She is a pelvic health physical therapist specializing in women's health, specifically caring for pregnant and postpartum women.

After having children of her own, my dear friend Dr. Hamilton started experiencing these symptoms herself. Her OBGYN told her it was safe to go back to Crossfit but she knew that didn’t feel right. So she made it her mission to learn more and now, helping other women with this issue has become a great passion for her. We first define what the pelvic floor even is, then debunk common misconceptions surrounding pelvic floor health. Finally, we talk about the experience of going to a pelvic floor therapist. We hope that by the end of this episode, anyone listening who has experienced the symptoms mentioned feels confident and comfortable to seek intervention.

For more information and links to all resources, head to the shownotes

Related episode(s) on maternal and child healthcare:

Why Are Infants Dying From Preventable Causes?How Do Internally Displaced Persons Access Healthcare? 

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