Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone probes you with a question, seemingly seeking some intriguing tidbit, and you feel the pressure to share in response?

It's a scenario that often leads to post-conversation regrets.

But what if you could reclaim the power to say nothing at all?

What if you could take a moment, pause, and consciously decide whether that question deserves your response?

In this week's "You Can Handle Anything" podcast, I unveil two enlightening stories.

They vividly illustrate how a pause can unveil that some stories just aren't yours to tell.

One story came from an experience I had with a new friend, while the other stems from The Living Deliberately Circle, my membership community.

I can't wait for you to tune in and get inspired!


P.S. Mark your calendar for September 5th. I'll be leading a free 3-Day Challenge on "Silencing Negative Self-Talk." Exciting details and sign-up information are coming soon...