Women who experience domestic abuse often find themselves silenced, not only by their partners, but also internally. Naa Amerley Asante-Armer knows this reality all too well. Yet, using her own words, “once she hit the eye of the storm,” she found her voice again—a voice that once sang for the masses and who is now running to lead a nation as its President in the West African country of Ghana.

Naa Amerley takes us on an incredible, life-altering journey through drowning in debt, an abusive marriage, to finding her strength and voice through the truth that she was not broken, to a vision that led her to her home country, to the present moment as she makes a run for President of Ghana. Her words will inspire and move you as she reminds each of us that our roles as women can only be defined by the limits of our minds, never our stories.

A warning: this interview does speak of physical, mental, and emotional abuse and may not be sustainable for a younger audience.

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Intro

01:26 A moment of transparency – Ghana’s connection

02:09 Naa Amerley’s story begins

04:11 The introduction of domestic abuse into Naa Amerley’s life—depression sets in

05:30 The impact of emotional abuse

07:40 The silencing begins as Naa Amerley releases music, her career, and fundamental relationships 

10:10 Finding her feet and the decision to become unsilenced

13:05 An understanding that there must be more to life

17:10 A reconnection to self

20:40 Naa Amerley’s voice grows stronger

24:15 The height of the abuse: “Enough is enough!”  

27:00 Going home—reconnecting with her mother and family

28:33 An actual dream changes Naa Amerley’s life’s plan 

30:00 Entering a life of politics

31:50 An African Proverb

34:05 Gratitude for being “possible” and understanding there is nothing left to lose  

37:07 Power to Our Mothers Foundation

39:46 Pay it forward—give what you’ve been given

40:16 The race for President in Ghana now as the underdog

42:00 A vision for a nation

43:08 Naa Amerley’s three things

To learn more about Naa Amerley follow her on Instagram @naaamerleyforpresident and @powertoourmothersfoundation.

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