Have you ever wondered to yourself…who am I? I bet you have, and yet, I even more willing to bet that when you began to try to formulate an answer, you only allowed yourself to scratch the surface of the real you. The you that is not defined by labels, titles, the roles you play, what you own, or even who you’ve been told you should be.  

This week we take a one-on-one deep dive into understanding who we are and how to empower ourselves within our truest nature and at the most authentic level. So, let’s level up and shift our perspectives.

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Intro

01:02 Who am I?  

02:15 The various roles you play with the masks you wear

04:30 Getting to know yourself to answer the questions: Who am I?

05:21 How can you feel empowered if you don’t know who you are?

07:00 Step 1: Getting to know yourself through self-awareness

08:40 Step 2: Come clean with yourself about your truth

09:34 Step 3: Accept your imperfections

11:44 Step 4: Redefine or change the relationships that do not welcome your truest self

13:44 The sum of personal power

14:34 Three fundamental operations:

Stop looking for others to define you. Stop wasting time on other people’s opinions. Value yourself from a genuine place.

16:16 Other “good” symptoms of personal power

18:00 The behaviors that strip our power 

20:56 Committing to yourself

22:16 Being open to possibilities  

23:57 Give yourself permission to walk your own path

24:44 Engage in self-trust

26:16 Giving ourselves grace

27:00 Empowering yourself fully

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Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com, where you will find the Get Your Life Together, Girl blog. Until next time…be kind to yourself and others.