So, you play a number of roles in your life, all with expectations, from partner, mom, friend, colleague, child, perhaps sibling, and more. With so many roles, your attention and needs are often scattered, which can lead to you living in an internal storm of turmoil.

There is a path out of such feelings and behaviors. I sat down with mom guilt expert Melissa Peduzzi to talk about her method and tools to help mom’s everywhere show up as their best selves and create solid relationships with their children.

Let’s dive right in.



01:51 Why Melissa sought answers when it comes to mom guilt

03:52 Defining mom guilt

05:58 The Mom Manual – what it is and how you have one as a parent!

09:25 Creating a collaborative relationship with your children to ease the guilt

13:46 You cannot thrive holding shame inside of you                                                       

17:53 Allowing your children to be who they are without placing your expectations

25:31 A tool for getting out of the emotional responses that cause guilt

31:54 Tense and release is a great secondary tool

33:50 Pathway to personal freedom and solid relationships with your children – step 1

38:13 Step 2: Identify what you want to change  

40:35 Step 3: Redefine the manual

51:00 Getting feedback from a grounded place

57:00 Melissa’s three

To connect with Melissa, visit her website at, You can also find her on Instagram at momlifebydesign. The special offering Melissa mentioned can be downloaded for free:

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