Do you hold grudges?

While the dictionary definition of a grudge is simply being mad at someone for something they did, holding a grudge is much more profound. It’s this unequivocal anger that is beyond something. Healthy last week we talked about what to do when someone hurts you and not processing. Today, we’re taking a deep dive into what it means to hold a grudge, how it impacts you, and how to finally let it go. Let’s not waste one single moment and dive in!


00:00 Intro

01:45 What a grudge is

02:17 Episode 319: When Someone When Hurts You

04:30 Examples of grudges

05:59 Six common traits of grudge holders

 08:21 The ways grudges are formed

 09:25 Victim mentality is an open door to grudge-holding

10:30 Grudges energize the negative

12:30 The health, emotional, and mental risks of grudges

13:07 What forgiveness is and isn’t

14:27 Becoming aware of the upset – getting to the why

15:30 Some people are not capable of meeting our needs – asking for what we need

16:14 Tuning into the feelings – feel the triggers

17:50 Having a hard time letting go

18:18 Asking for a better apologize

19:15 A tool for giving yourself an apology

21:01 If there is a villain in the story, there is a victim

22:45 Change the thought if we have tunnel vision

25:15 Devoting time to let go – getting down to the facts

28:15 When you need to talk to someone to get help

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