There is one statement that can disrupt our lives and growth more than any other set of words out there! What are they? "I AM STUCK!" Those words are often the most significant barrier to our success, feeling our best, and creating positive action; they are the mental and emotional wall that halts most things! So, this week, we are ripping off the label of stuck, taking a hard look at how we often go looking for failure without realizing it, and how we must push ourselves out of our comfort zone to grow and have full life ownership.

So, let's shift our perspectives and our ability to become unstuck.

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Introduction

01:31 The intention of our conversation and a call to action: move out of your own way

03:24 I AM STUCK! How these words are a threat to your mindset

05:55 What it means to be stuck and how fear, indecision, and inactivity play a role in the lie of stuck

08:15 How stuck is an inner and outer cry for change

10:08 Truth #2: How our mindset and perception impact or increase our feelings of fear, stuck, and indecision >

14:01 How using this SINGULAR statement followed by this empowering question can shift everything back into action

17:06 Lie #3: You are not in control of your life

18:57 What the comfort zone is and how it impacts your life

20:14 We actually need comfort zones. Understanding the difference between helpful and harmful zones

21:57 A simple yet powerful visional exercise to determine your current comfort zone

25:55 How you know if you are in the discomfort of a negative zone; the warning signs

29:51 Answering the ultimate question: Is it possible to break free from our cycles?

30:41 A MAJOR TRUTH: We will never be able to rid our lives of fear, change, or discomfort

31:39 Using fear as healthy motivation

34:44 Expanding your circle, the comfort zone, and how self-permission plays a significant role in this effort  

35:31 Why we must give our failures the credit they deserve

38:31 Using positive What ifs to push your perceived limits

41:15 Practice believing in yourself with a victory list: the how, the why, and the must-do!

44:14 Powerful statements of self-belief

47:21 Taking action

48:11 Ways to baby step your life into a new comfort zone

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