The best thing you can do for yourself and for others - be selfish.

I bet you all did NOT expect that. Especially since you've been taught the exact opposite of that your entire life. You've been told...

Life is not about just "you".

There's no "I" in team.

Well, I'm here to call the bullshit. An unwillingness to be Selfish can affect things around us.  In the name of selflessness, you can cause more problems than solutions most times. 

That's because when you force yourself to put attention on others, that's attention that you need for yourself that you're just giving away!

"You're can't offer others what you don't have in you". 

Before understanding someone else - understand yourself.  Seems like putting yourself first might be better in these cases.

Your responsibility is to not be ignorant. Your responsibility is to be selfish :) 

Download this podcast and listen to some truth bombs that you will certainly enjoy!

Do let me know what your thoughts are and connect with me on my social media- on Instagram/LinkedIn @akshay_taleda

Happy listening!