Get Repersonified with Akshay Taleda artwork

Get Repersonified with Akshay Taleda

10 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 2 years ago -

The way we view the world is related to our perception of things. Get Repersonifed is a podcast designed for you to shift your perceptions about everything around you- all while making it simple to learn. In this podcast, we'll work on enhancing your Emotionally intelligence, confidence, and help you become more insightful. Think about it. Our personality is defined by our Interior and Exterior. Our personality is defined by our actions. Our actions are determined by our thoughts. Our thoughts are defined by the way we view the world. In a nutshell, “Our perception towards things is directly related to our personality.” Most times, we find self-development complicated. We feel it’s a deep ancient philosophy that we need to understand and grasp and start acting like a monk. Fortunately for us, that’s not how it is. Life is simple. With this podcast, understanding life can be simple and profound too! Sounds too good to be true? — Why don’t you find out for yourself?

Self-Improvement Education self development mental health emotional intelligence purpose vision goal setting
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Why you should expect disappointment

August 02, 2022 04:30 - 7 minutes - 5.45 MB

In a world tilting towards toxic positivity/ blind optimism,  we have forgotten the power of being pessimistic.  In this podcast, find out WHY expecting disappointment is better for YOU!

Why do we regret decisions?

July 18, 2022 06:30 - 6 minutes - 4.52 MB

We...all have done things we're not proud of.  More importantly, we've all made decisions that we THOUGHT would make us happy, but in return, it didn't- DESPITE the fact that there wasn't fundamentally anything wrong with your choice.. Why do you think that happens?  There's a reason why. Listen to this podcast and find out!

The New Year Resolution TRAP

January 09, 2022 03:30 - 8 minutes - 6.09 MB

What if I told you that "New year resolutions" are self-laid traps? Most people we know set new years resolutions, Most of those don't ever get around following it.  Ever wondered why that happens? Is it lack of commitment? Lack of motivation? Laziness? There's lot more that goes around achieving your new years goal.  Watch this podcast and find out the mistake 99% people make and  BE that 1% who takes the different approach!

Why is a building called a "building" when it's already "built"?

September 01, 2021 04:30 - 8 minutes - 4.78 MB

We've all wondered this-Why is a building called a building, when it's already built?" As did I. The more I thought about it, the more sense it made to me- What If I present to you some logical  and spiritual reasonings to why it's apt to call it a "building" than "built"? Curious? Listen to this episode, and find out! :)

Do you believe in souls, purpose, karma and rebirth?

August 24, 2021 09:30 - 8 minutes - 4.85 MB

Do you believe in souls, karma and rebirth? Is it more about the belief in a higher power, an afterlife or a faith that is comfortable to believe in? I hope you find the answers you're looking for with this podcast. Download this podcast and listen to some truth bombs that you will certainly enjoy! Do let me know what your thoughts are and connect with me on my social media- on Instagram/LinkedIn @akshay_taleda Happy listening!

The Beauty Of Being Selfish

August 19, 2021 09:30 - 8 minutes - 4.85 MB

The best thing you can do for yourself and for others - be selfish. I bet you all did NOT expect that. Especially since you've been taught the exact opposite of that your entire life. You've been told... Life is not about just "you". There's no "I" in team. Well, I'm here to call the bullshit. An unwillingness to be Selfish can affect things around us.  In the name of selflessness, you can cause more problems than solutions most times.  That's because when you force yourself to put atte...

The Ultimate Guide to Gambling With Our Lives

August 11, 2021 01:30 - 6 minutes - 3.7 MB

What if I told you that you could be a gambler without realizing it? Most of us spend most of our time in discontentment with our lives, we tend to wait for grand moments to feel joy and appreciation for ourselves. Somewhere, In this process of chasing happiness, we start doing something.......quite scary. It's like a nightmare dressed like a daydream. What is it?  Download this podcast and listen!  Do let me know what your thoughts are and connect with me on my social media- on instag...

3 Common mistakes people make in Friendships! (Friendships day special!)

August 01, 2021 07:30 - 21 minutes - 12.2 MB

Friends are an absolute necessity in life. Friendships like any other bond we share with people is essentially a Relationship. The challenge is, nobody is truly trained to be a good friend. We all merely tend to carry our own ideas of friendship.  Sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. So- How do we really need to approach friendships? What are the things we are supposed to be mindful about? The sad truth is- We've romanticized the idea of how friendships should be.  In this podcas...

Why taking it "One day at a time" can be bad for you (Here's what you need to know before you follow this philosophy)

August 01, 2021 01:30 - 12 minutes - 6.77 MB

We're often told this by others whenever we are stressed: "Relax. Take it one day at a time".  A lot of us today tend to imbibe it in our lives as well. But the real questions are- Are we all following this message in the way that it's intended? What are the different types of approaches people have towards the same mechanism? What does someone need to KNOW  before living life "One day at a time"?  Listen to my podcast- and Discover what might be the biggest error you may have made whi...

Get Repersonified Trailer- Here's what you can expect!

July 21, 2021 07:00 - 1 minute - 1.03 MB

Are you ready to get Repersonified?  START Your journey with me- Moving ahead "One Podcast at A Time!"