If you want to start intermittent fasting find the meal that is least important to you. Ease your way into the fast by pushing back that meal an hour every few days. It takes time to get used to changing your meal timing but like everything you will eventually realize that skipping a meal is not a big deal. 

Learn to ride out the hunger waves and make sure you stay busy during that time period. Perhaps get a workout in or go for a walk. The key is to avoid the kitchen and distract yourself from eating. If you need to drink some black coffee to get through the fast, go ahead, but I wouldn't recommend adding any sugar to your cup of Joe. If you're in need of some guidance check out my 21 day fasting challenge or the Simple Intermittent Fasting Journal. Either way be sure to ease your way into fasting and it takes time to get fat-adapted so be patient, especially if you are used to eating all day and eating refined carbs. 

Be sure to have meals that are based around protein and healthy fats as these macronutrients are very satiating and will make fasting inbetween meals a lot easier. Don't fast if you are underweight, pregnant, breastfeeding and/or need medical supervision. Be sure to get permission from your healthcare professional before you start fasting. 

Let me know if you have any questions or would like for me to talk about a certain topic on my next micro-podcast! Email me at [email protected]

Have a great rest of the week!

If you love the Get Lean Eat Clean Podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, rate, and give a review on iTunes. Until next time!


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