Sugar is truly addictive. That means that it will alter your brain chemistry and over time you start to crave more and more sugar.  The urge for your next sweet fix comes more frequently and you need to consume it in larger quantities and like any other drug, it comes with some pretty scary side effects. 

Yes, there will be weight gain, you’ll increase your risk of developing: 

Type II Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke. 

In fact, the average adult eats about 152 pounds of sugar every single year.

As with any highly addictive drug, there will be unpleasant withdrawal symptoms as you start to wean your body off of sugar. 

Here are my top 4 steps to help cut sugar out of your life:

1. Remove all sugar and processed foods from your house.

You can drastically increase your ability to resist temptation by removing ALL foods from your house that contain sugar as well as those that are processed. Look through your kitchen, cupboards, and pantry for all sugary drinks, cereals, snack bars, yogurts, baked goods, breads, and anything else that contains sugar.

Bonus tip - Go for a walk after meals (leave the kitchen)

2. Lower your stress levels.

If you are living under chronic stress, your sugar cravings are going to be tough to beat. The "high" you get from eating sugar is so much more appealing when it can be used to temporarily reduce anxiety and feelings of stress. 

3. Stay hydrated!

Chronic dehydration can not only amplify your sugar cravings, but it also slows your metabolism and causes your body to store fat. The human body is made up of 60-70% water. People simply don’t consume enough water to be healthy, let alone to effectively lose weight. The general rule of thumb for water consumption tells us to drink 8 glasses per day, but that should be your bare minimum. 

4.  Find a sugar replacement - Tea...

Typically people reach for sugar after a meal or between meals.  Well it’s a good idea to find a replacement that will keep you busy and take you away from what you are normally eating. My favorites for tea are - peppermint and chamomile tea most commonly known for its calming effects and is frequently used as a sleep aid.

Here is the Challenge - Cut out all added sugar for 7 days.

No more soda, no more sugar in your coffee, no candy, no cookies, no donuts. You’ll also want to avoid all foods with added sugars like bread, most salad dressings, ketchup etc. 

If you use these 4 steps it will help overcome sugar cravings...You might experience a headache along with joint aches.  Also, depending on much you rely on sugar, you might experience nausea and don’t be surprised to experience mood swings, too.  

The withdrawal symptoms can be similar to a “serious” drug addiction? That’s because sugar addiction is just that. A serious addiction.

The good news is you can do this!  I am here to help as well.  One step at a time and it might be tough at first but it only gets easier!

Feel free to comment and reach out to me to let me know if you are doing the 7 day challenge and let me know how it is going!

Please share this with anyone who might be addicted to sugar!

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