Since social media is such a big part of our lives, but if not taken care of it can get out of control. It’s like trying to grow a beautiful garden. When you start, it’s a clean slate. You plant some flowers, but over time weeds get in there. If you don’t spend time pulling […]

Since social media is such a big part of our lives, but if not taken care of it can get out of control. It’s like trying to grow a beautiful garden. When you start, it’s a clean slate. You plant some flowers, but over time weeds get in there. If you don’t spend time pulling the weeds, they will take over your garden. Soon it’ll be a garden full of weeds.

If you’re like me, your social media has some weeds that needs to get pulled. I’m talking about people, pages, companies, and anything that has a negative effect on you when you see it.

In this episode, I talk more about how to do that and I hope by the end of the episode you’re ready to clean up your social media. You’ll be glad you did.

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