Summary. In this Recover Week episode, Alex and Michele talk about grit. Grit is a combination of your passion and perseverance. They talk about the importance of being passionate about something you want to achieve. They also talk about the necessity of having the perseverance to overcome the obstacles that arise on your path to achievement. Lastly, they talk about how grit is developed while giving real-life examples. Enjoy!

Topics covered.  Nostalgia for the place you live when you move. The NFL Draft. How perception colors our understanding of success. Our ongoing projects. How is grit defined? Who is Angela Duckworth? How was the concept of grit developed? What role does your interest have in grit and success? What role does your practice have in developing grit and being successful? Why is purpose important to being gritty and successful? Why are hope and a positive outlook important parts of being gritty? And more.

Take the Grit Scale to see how gritty you are. Click here

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