Summary: This #familyweek episode has the FMR Team discussing more new research. Lindsay brings you an article about fasting and knee arthritis. Alex brings you an article about teaching pelvis floor muscles in breathing for teenage athletes. Michele brings you an article about recovery strategies from acute mental fatigue. Enjoy!

Read Lindsay's article.
Read Alex's article.
Read Michele's article.

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Topics covered. Alex's first ski trip. Lindsay's enjoyment of more daylight. Michele's challenging run. Alex and Michele discuss their snowboarding trip. Lindsay's upcoming program. Our introduction of Ali Kiefer who is the newest member of the FMR Team and Fuel Squad. Alex's article on pelvic floor and improved breathing. The importance of breathing in combination with the pelvic floor. The power of improving simple things like breathing. Michele's article on different recovery strategies after acute mental fatigue. Discussing differences between ego depletion and mental fatigue. The differences between rest and recovery. The difficulties with identifying differences in these settings. Lindsay's article on fasting and knee arthritis. The science between fasting. The benefits of including some fasting in your routine. How to introduce it for the uninitiated. The potential benefits for those with obesity and arthritis. And more.
Click here to get 20% off your purchase of supplements that Lindsay recommends in the show. It is important for us to disclose that Lindsay does get a percentage from each sale made through this link. Lindsay's recommendations are independent of Wellevate, which is only a place to buy products. Wellevate does not influence her recommendations in any way. Only science, research, and clinical experience guide her recommendations.

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Alex on Twitter (@alex_uding)
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Lindsay on Twitter (@lindsaymalonerd) or Instagram (@lindsay.malone.rdn)
Michele on Twitter (@micheleionno) or Instagram (@micheleionno)

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