What you will learn in this episodeHow to create word of mouth buzz for your businessChallenges facing the hospitality industryUpsell tactics (would you like fries with that method)Why convenience will always winHow to start a business in an area you are passionate aboutBefore you follow your dream of opening a hospitality business you need to understand the metricsWhy feedback from customers is so critical for your businessHow to generate genuine reviews for your businessHow Mark has built the Hungry Hungry communityHow Mark tested his business assumptions, invested in technology early on, validated the product and market fit and is now ready to scale.Why it’s important to keep in contact with your network (and visit them face to face)The process of building the Hungry Hungry appMark’s process of collecting primary data from customers and what he does with it


Resources mentioned

Hungry Hungry

Airbnb: The Growth Story You Didn't Know

9,999 in 10,000 Mobile Apps Will Fail

OrderMate founders pump $2 million into new startup that improves dining out without screwing over small businesses

Almond Bar Darlinghurst

Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) is a global network of 12,000-plus influential business owners, with over 160 chapters in more than 50 countries.

Calm.com meditation app

1 Giant Mind

Bulletproof Radio with Dave Asprey - Biohacking Podcast


Book Recommendations

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni


What business would you build on Mars?

I'm a little bit of a green thumb. In my spare time I've got a little patch of garden where I like to grow all different types of broccoli, I love my greens. So the seeds, I would say the seeds would have to come with me. And I would need to make sure someone brings some water because we don't know how are we going to make them... where there's a will, there's a way. So I'm going to say broccoli seeds and the business would be around something with agriculture perhaps until such point in time that we need an app to order food. But we are going to need to actually cultivate food at the onset.


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Hungry Hungry on Facebook

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