What you will learn in this episode

Why data is so important for your business How gamification can lead to data capture opportunities Mike’s definition of customer success Connecting the data with your marketing strategy Make sure that your applications, front end systems, CRM and marketing automation tools are connected straight out of the gate. Why progressive profiling can get the right information at the right time from your customers Why you need to invest in business intelligence Similarities between coaching a football team and coaching a marketing team When expanding your business into new international markets > always read history books for that region. 


Resources mentioned

Pawssum (Mike’s former pet startup)


90% of the world’s data was created in the last two years.






Book Recommendations

Shogun by James Clavell


What business would you build on Mars?
It kind of goes back to the fact that our society now is so much built on growth, and we talk about GDP, and there's nothing around climate change, and all the things that are basically we're not exactly doing very right by the world at the moment. So, you go to a new world, fundamentally shift. I like to see a blend of the communal sharing of a company as opposed to just the fact that it's sheer growth, and there's a few people at the top. So, there was a company out of the US. I think it's Chobani. It's a yogurt brand. Once they went public, they shared with every single employee, they all became big shareholders in the company. So, if I go to Mars, I would literally probably do something around mining and terraforming. But every person involved would have a huge share of that company because if you could reset what accompany means, I would completely reset it to where everyone's got to share, we grow, but it's a completely different mindset.


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