We all come into this great big world as tiny little babies—helpless, really, and completely dependent on our mothers to care for us, feed us, and keep us safe.  And as babies in the womb, our guts—as well as everything else—are completely sterile.  We are blank slates.  The process of acclimating to our surroundings is so beautifully complex, so wonderfully crafted.  Let’s take a look at that today as we marvel at the immune system and where it really all begins.  

As we travel through the birth canal, we receive our first natural inoculation, collecting some of our mother’s flora—good or bad—in our eyes, ears, mouth.  That flora, which makes up about 85% of our immune system, to a large degree, determines our future health.  Those microbes and antibodies set up shop inside the walls of our gut as they pass through, and we have now begun the process of becoming one with the world, never to be completely sterile again.  

Weary from life’s first major excursion, it’s time for a drink.  Now it is important to note that Mama’s milk doesn’t start out as “milk,” per se.  Those first few days at the breast are not so much about power-packed nutrition as they are about awakening our immune systems.  That colostrum is vitally important to a strong, capable immune system, and begins to lay the foundation for a healthy life.  And as a baby essentially has no immune system of its own for the first year of life, with every nursing, we are literally injected with everything we need to fight off the bad guys and support the good.  It is training for how we will respond to the big bugs as we become independent from our mothers and eventually set off on our own two feet.  

The medical field would have us thinking that the only protection we can have from disease, viruses, and bacteria is isolation. But I think we can all agree that from the beginning of it all—our entrance into this world—we are designed to be PART of the world.  Yes, we are separate and important and creative forces IN the world, but we need to be one with it in order that we and the world can function as we are meant to.  

So perhaps you’re thinking, “Well, that’s great, but I wasn’t born vaginally,” or “My mom never nursed me.  I was bottle-fed.”  Never you fear.  The body is an incredible thing.  Haven’t we told you about your “forbidden doctor?”  The forbidden doctor is your body.  The body is set, before birth, to restore and rebuild.  That’s why we talk so much about “healing and sealing” the gut.  It can be done!  


Check out some of our other podcasts and blog posts on exactly what steps you can take toward beginning the process of restoring and rebuilding your immune system by way of developing a healthy gut.  We’ve only just begun!

What We Talk About:

Your body does the best triage there is and nobody in the world knows what’s going on in your body—not even you—but your body knows.

How important the nervous system is. By freeing up the brainstem through gentle (no cracking, popping, or twisting!) NUCCA chiropractic technique, you improve your overall health.
How the major neurotransmitter of conscious thought—serotonin in the brain—is actually manufactured in the gut.
It all starts as babies. The first thing a fetus develops? The nervous system.
You can be your own forbidden doctor, and you can do it from your own home.
Why nursing is so important, especially the very first three days.
Why babies instinctually know to put everything they encounter into their mouths and how this teaches them to relate to the world around them, to be one with the world.
How and why if each kidney is healthy, the whole body works healthier together.
Ways one can avoid destroying or protecting precious gut flora.
Why stress is so bad for us (duh).
Even if you weren’t breastfeed as a child, you can still fix this. GAPS! It has wonderful side effects like--great energy, a strong libido, weight loss--just to name a few.
Forbidden information you are not allowed to know that will help you ward off infections or horrible virus’.
85-86% of your immune system is in the gut - start with healing and sealing the gut and everything else will take care of itself. You can start from your own kitchen.

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