With all the hoopla—and rightfully so—sweeping the nation surrounding Ebola, Enterovirus D68, and other viruses reaching pandemic proportion, what little information public health officials provide in the way of prevention is sorely lacking.  “Wash your hands,” “Don’t touch your eyes or nose with unwashed hands,” “Refrain from hugging or kissing those who are sick.”  Come on, guys, give us a little credit!  I don’t know about you, but when I see someone coughing or throwing up, kissing is NOT the first thing on my mind.  

So today we want to talk about some ACTUAL ways to prevent infectious disease, beginning with understanding the immune system from the inside out.  Hippocrates gave us some important information about where disease starts some 2,400 years ago when he said, “All diseases begin in the gut.”   Yes, we have a lot of fancy, new medicines, treatments, and procedures, but let me tell you, this guy knew what he was talking about!  

80-85% of our immune system is located in the gut.  The rest is in our spleen, marrow, lymphs—but the gut is our first line of defense.  First of all, it’s where we absorb nutrition so that we can rebuild the liver, lung tissue, even the skin.  But the gut has another job, and that is to produce enzymes that kill viruses, bacteria, bad yeast, bad fungi—it keeps things in balance.  It produces every antibiotic under the sun.  

As people who live in the world, we learn over time who our neighbors, our family, our friends are; we know who is safe and who is not.  But our immune systems are not so discriminating.  They view every invader as a danger.  If it’s not self, it’s the enemy.  

So what’s a human to do?  Stay indoors?  Never shake hands with or kiss another human?  Live in a bubble?  No!  That’s no way to live!  Remember that our immune system is here to help us.  So we need to do our best to help it help us.  There is a way to set our immune system up for success—to have those cells ready at a moment’s notice to fight the battle against the enemy and win.  

Our biggest problem is our Standard American Diet—SAD.  And it is sad indeed!  When most of the stuff coming down the pike is no longer technically what Mother Nature would consider food, the system begins to break down.  Holes begin to form, and stuff gets through the walls of the gut and the bloodstream that should not be there.  We begin to react to natural proteins in natural foods, like gluten and casein.  We develop allergies to things we never had a problem with before.  To protect itself, the body, in its wisdom, builds up a thick wall of mucous in the gut to prevent invaders from getting through the system, which is good… but it’s also bad, because now we aren’t absorbing nutrition and the immune system cannot function as it’s created to function.  

So what are the first steps in healing and sealing the gut?  

1.  FAT.  Chicken soup—the perfect soft, nourishing food, full of healing fat.  Other good fats are butter and cream.  Try butter in your coffee.  I put butter in my chicken soup!  Any way you can get it down, I’m all for it.  

2.  IODINE.  One of iodine’s chief jobs is to pull fats into the cell membranes, creating soft, moist, supple membranes in order that each cell can release toxins and absorb nutrition.  


We have a lot to say about the gut, and nearly all of it is forbidden information.  It’s not complicated though, so don’t be scared!  You can get started healing and sealing your gut, and consequently, strengthening your immune system today.  

What We Talk About:

Learn forbidden information about how you can turn on your immune system even more through your gut.
Prevention is a lot more than washing your hands and sneezing in tissues.
Why there is a flu season and the real reason the fall seems to predominate for cold and flus.
Where does disease being? In the gut! Somebody told us that 2,400 years ago.
One of the largest conspiracies on the planet, why the FDA only promotes medicine and drugs, preventative care is censored and treated as voodoo. Where is your immune system?
About 80-85% of your immune system is in your gut. The digestive system turns over about almost every day, the inside lining of your mouth--the inside of your cheeks that touch the teeth--constantly new cells, constantly, all the time.
So what does someone do to avoid disease? Stay indoors all the time, never touch anything or anyone? Live in a bubble? No way! Isolation does not prevent disease.
The problem is the current lifestyle of Americans, being a rather sedentary lifestyle, a lifestyle of processed foods, a lifestyle of preserved foods has a very diminishing effect upon the strength of the immune system.
Why were you able to eat gluten before and not now? Learn how gluten is not the problem at all.
We discuss candida, heartburn, acid reflux, diabetes, leaky gut and more - and why all these things are easy to fix--for good--forever.
Learn how to make and all about the benefits and life-saving/changing effects of homemade bone broth.
The gut is the most amazing assembly line! Give your gut what it needs to do its job. The gut is your first line of defense for disease.
Learn why meat and fat are vital to your health, and how you can keep cancers away by keeping your gut healthy. It’s easier than you think!

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