Today we’re going to talk about “forbidden immunity.”  Why is it forbidden?  Well, there just isn’t a lot of profit in the propagation of healthy immune systems now, is there?  Just a theory.  But we’ll let you decide as we dive in a little deeper.  We have looked at the foundations of gut health in previous blog posts, and we go into much greater detail in some of our podcasts, but today let’s take it a step further as we examine the basics of immunity.

All of life is a balance, and this goes for the gut as well, which houses around 85% of the immune system, so our focus is always on bringing back that balanced state, that homeostasis—the good, the bad, flora, viruses—because our bodies are designed to survive and thrive as one with the world around us.  Prior to the 1940s, and the ushering in of the “drugs for anything, drugs for everything” era, honoring this balance and connection between the gut and immunity by healing with nutrition, herbs, and other natural modalities to, in essence, help the body help itself was standard issue medical practice.  Over the years, this vital information has become virtually unknown, so we’re here today to bring it to light.  

There are two arms to the immune system, as far as we know at this point in time: the cell-mediated response and the humeral response.  Both are regulated to a staggeringly large degree by the health of the gut.  And when they’re both doing their jobs, as nature intends, it’s truly a beautiful thing to behold.  When they’re not, or when we try to medically force one system through a series of short-cuts—as in the case of inoculation—trouble is just around the corner.  

So let’s start with the cell-mediated response.  It’s made up of a network of white blood cells—beta lymphocytes, phagocytes, macrophages.  These are the good guys who are ready and waiting to attack at the first sign of intruders, like a cold virus, chickenpox, or even Ebola.  Their job is to destroy the bad guys.  

Now here is a bit of forbidden information for you.  At this point in the immune response, people are “sick”—the sniffles, a cough, a rash, a fever.  It’s now that you will hear people say things like, “My body hates me,” “Oh, I feel awful,” or even “My immune system must not be very strong because I’m so sick.”  But here is what you need to understand.  These signs of “sickness” are really just signs that you’re healthy.  They are evidence of a strong, capable, healthy cell-mediated response.  The sickness is not evidence that you are being overtaken by the virus but rather that the virus is being overtaken by your immune system—that you are, indeed, alive and kicking!   

Once the cell-mediated response has cleared the virus from the body, it’s time for the humeral system, also known as the antibody system, to follow suit.  It takes about four to six weeks, but now the next time that virus makes an appearance, the cell-mediated system doesn’t have to do anything because the humeral response has created antibodies, which prevent you from getting sick.  This is why you don’t get chickenpox a second time if you got sick with them as a kid.  

I mentioned vaccines above.  It’s not even about the potential dangers of vaccinating though.  You may be a huge believer in vaccinating, and that is okay.  Immunity is a well-choreographed dance between gut flora, white blood cells, antibodies.  We are set to obliterate foreign invaders and rebuild the body.  We are designed to absorb the good and excrete the bad.  A healthy gut, and thereby a healthy immune system, can handle what life throws its way—colds, flu, bacteria, Ebola, toxins, and yes, even vaccines.  So that’s the information that we hope takes hold in your mind and in your heart today.  Let’s start there.  Let’s rebuild the gut, strengthening the immune system, so that we can take on… and maybe even change the world!

What We Talk About:

Forbidden Immunity information you won’t hear anywhere else.
Why the endocrine system needs to stay nice and balanced.
Gut flora, the good, the bad, the ugly...
When “fat” became villainized, and the miracle cure forgotten of 100 years ago.
The relationship between the health of the gut and the health of the immune system.
Why you need every part to your body. We continue to discover how it works.
Why you get “sick” when you turn your immune system back on, and why this is a good thing.
Inflammation is lifesaving!
YOU are the forbidden doctor, your body is. Start with the gut and everything else will start to work.

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