“To vax or not to vax?”  Maybe that’s NOT the question…

The question of whether or not to vaccinate is an age-old dilemma.  There are convincing arguments on both sides, aren’t there?  Nobody wants their kids to have to get sick… and by the same token, can we ever really be 100% sure that vaccinations are not going to cause even bigger problems for our children?  As frustrating as the lack of long-term research on the subject is, the one thing we can educate ourselves around is exactly how our immune systems work and what we can do to keep them functioning at their best.  When we do this, we can be sure that whatever we decide, as pertains to vaccinations, our immune systems have their best fighting chance. 

You will hear us say again and again that approximately 85-86% of the immune system is located in the gut.  It is the beautifully orchestrated system made up of two arms of immunity: the cell-mediated response and the humeral-mediated response—and they both begin in the gut, a porous world between the inside and the outside.  T-cells, which are made in the thymus gland, end up inside the gut-associated lymphatic tissue, also known as Peyer’s patches.  These things are the police stations of the immune system and are on constant patrol, looking for things that may get through the gut wall and eventually into the bloodstream, causing an immune reaction.  

Access to the gut is through the mouth.  This is no trivial matter.  This should be a huge clue as to where our focus needs to be when we’re considering how best to heal and seal the gut, thereby strengthening the immune system.  We need to think about what we’re putting into our mouths!  The gut absorbs (or doesn’t, depending upon its health) the nutrition we take in through the mouth.  

I’m going to tell you something that you probably haven’t heard before.  And you can consider this a bit of “forbidden” information.  

Eat what you crave. 

Should I say that again, just in case it didn’t fully register?  

Eat what you crave. 

Now don’t hear what I’m not saying.  I am not saying that because you crave Doritos, your body needs Doritos.  I’m not saying cheese from a can is a good idea if that’s what you’re craving.  Unhealthful cravings need to be dealt with.  “Foods” that are barely recognizable as foods do more harm than good and are generally packed with all kinds of sugars, hydrogenated fats, and even neurotoxins like MSG or aspartame.  Stay away from that junk!  

But what I am saying is this: your forbidden doctor is inside you.  Your body possesses great wisdom.  It knows everything on this Earth.  It knows every nutrient.  It creates cravings and desires for what it needs for healing, rebuilding and restoring.  We crave fat and we crave salt and we crave protein and we crave pork and we crave red meat.  We crave all these things that the medical community claims we’re not supposed to be eating.  But you will take care of you.  As we learn about our body, as we learn that the forbidden doctor inside us, let’s move away from trying to heal from the outside in—with pharmaceuticals and surgeries—and let’s be courageous enough to start that healing process from the inside out.  

What We Talk About:


Why it’s always better to create your own antibodies.
Why vaccination is always your choice, but why it’s vital that you’re informed of both sides.
Mother nature’s program of going through cell-mediated immunity and why this is so important.
Is there really such a thing as a “safer” vaccine?
Are you worried that you or your family have already been hit with these tremendous forces, like mercury in your bloodstream? Well, have hope. We have some ideas.
Dr. Jack debates Dr. Offit...
Why “getting sick” could really be a healthy response.
We don’t actually know the effects of vaccines because there are NO long term studies.
How many unreported adverse reactions to vaccines are out there?
Polio was more than 90% eradicated by the time the polio vaccine showed up...
Whatever you do, don’t google “mercury and the brain.”
So, what if these vaccination shots don’t kill you, what is the cost?
We crave all these things—red meat—we’re not supposed to be eating, if we listen to the medical side.  So that’s the beauty of your forbidden doctor inside of you.  You will take care of you.


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