Highlights of Today’s Episode:
● 04:55 12 Habits/Behaviors to Break in the Workplace
● 05:42 Top 3 Most Common Habits
● 06:54 Successful Career Built on 3 Legs: Expertise, Visibility, and Connections (EVC)
● 09:00 Why women want to be invisible
● 10:25 That wasn’t meant as a compliment.
● 12:03 Don’t get trapped by your expertise and nowhere to go
● 13:29 Perfectionism can be a career killer
● 17:10 My name is Lisa, and I ama Marshall Goldsmith groupie
● 17:30 Leverage relationships; ask for help, but don’t over-invest
● 24:10 4 steps to get comfortable with what makes you uncomfortable

Links and Resources in Today’s Episode:● Sally Helgesen
Sally Helgesen on LinkedIn
How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job
Premier Women's Leadership Expert Sally Helgesen Teaches Women How To Rise
The Female Advantage by Sally Helgesen
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith
Stakeholder Centered Coaching: Maximizing Your Impact as a Coach
Among Wall Street analysts, men benefit more from their networks than women
Frances Hesselbein
Lisa Martin
Flourish Success Path