Host, Dalia Jean speaks with life coach, Jessica Powell about the journey of overcoming the pressures of diet culture and fighting for what you really want.


Episode Topics: 

Growing up in diet culture and Pressure that comes along with it

Learning to love yourself where you are

Not giving up without a fight

Be kind to yourself

Change takes time 


About the Guest: Jessica Powell

Jessica is living out her dream as a life coach in Lexington, Kentucky with her husband and 2 kiddos.  As a life coach, her goal is to help as many women on their journeys achieve a fulfilling life in a way that feels attainable.  She believes we all have what it takes to live a life we love, and we are worth the work it takes to get exactly what we want.


Find Jessica Online:

Instagram: @jess_powell_coaching



About the Host: Dalia Jean

Dalia is a mother, art educator, artist, author, and fearless DIY warrior, who chooses to view all parts of life as opportunities to learn. She has been a creative for 20 years, an educator for 10, and has used the pandemic as an opportunity to publish her first children’s book, Be Still, Love Nature, pursue her Master’s Degree, and start this podcast, while focusing on personal growth instead of the downsides to this crazy time in our lives. 

Dalia currently lives just outside of Cleveland, Ohio with her partner Doug, her son and her three cats. She enjoys learning new things, being around the animals and people she loves most, and feels that laughter and being in nature are some of life’s best medicines. 


Find Dalia Online: 

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