You are what you eat. Ever hear that? What you serve yourself comes in more forms than just food. In this episode, we explore the many facets of true health, and how an all encompassing approach will get you further, and render real progress. 


Episode Topics: 

WHAT IS “MENTAL HEALTH: Your mental health is all encompassing… Physical health, Nutritional, Emotional, and Social.

THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION IS SO REAL:  Learn the many ways your mind and body are connected, and how to recognize the signs when you might need to focus on healing 

HONORING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS: Being present and more in tune with your actual needs may feel like detours at times, but honoring your needs in the moment means you won’t have to revisit that moment to make it all work. 

KNOWING YOUR MENTAL THRESHOLD: Life can get crazy. There’s no denying that, but knowing when stress levels kick up can help you understand your own actual needs.

About the Host: Dalia Jean

Dalia is a mother, art educator, artist, author, and fearless DIY warrior, who chooses to view all parts of life as opportunities to learn. She has been a creative for 20 years, an educator for 10, and has used the pandemic as an opportunity to publish her first children’s book, Be Still, Love Nature, pursue her Master’s Degree, and start this podcast, while focusing on personal growth instead of the downsides to this crazy time in our lives. 

Dalia currently lives just outside of Cleveland, Ohio with her partner Doug, her son and her three cats. She enjoys learning new things, being around the animals and people she loves most, and feels that laughter and being in nature are some of life’s best medicines. 


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