When we think about the three-legged stool that makes up each of our practices, we think about the owners (which is probably you listening to this podcast right now), our employees (the staff who helps us build this), and our clients (the people we are serving)

We first talked about our vision, which is what guides us as the owners of the practice in what we're building.

VALUES are what our employees will use to guide their actions on a daily basis. Think of values as how you build culture - culture is how you consistently act, and values are the basis of your culture and provide guidance to your employees when you are not there.

Occasionally your employees are going to be in situations where you haven't specifically prepped them for. The values should guide them in making the right decision every time or at least a close- enough-to-right decision that the client gets what they need until your employee can get a better answer.

These are simple maxims that guide your firm's behavior and help make good choices. Let's not confuse the firm's values with your own personal values. Personal values may be occasionally at odds with your firm's (or with any job, or work in general).

Closing Exercise: Values are the shorthand for how your firm behaves. What are they?  Write two sentences about what that means Include two examples of what that looks like in practice.  Find a PDF worksheet for each episode's exercise on our podcast page at https://strohmeyerlaw.libsyn.com/



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