🟡 Our insecurities can get in the way of us doing the exercise we want to do.


Whether it’s at the gym or somewhere else in public, we worry about what others are thinking.


Am I doing this exercise right?


Are people judging my body?


Do I look like an idiot?


Am I strong enough to be doing this?


Are people watching me?


These fears keep us from going to the gym or doing physical activity that’s fun or effective for us.


In episode 118 of Fitness & Sushi, Deanna and I help you work through these worries and insecurities so you can start using exercise the way it’s meant to be used - as a tool for enjoyment, state change, empowerment, and experience.


In this episode - “How to Overcome Your Insecurities When Working Out Around Others”, you'll learn...


🔶 The common worries people have that keep them from doing the workouts they want


🔶 What you need to focus on to overcome these insecurities


🔶 Some effective workarounds to lower the anxiety with working out


🔶 What to do if you’re anxious about people judging your body when you work out


🔶 How to feel more confident doing the workouts you want to do


🔶 Why Tony thinks he’s the primary source of entertainment for the neighborhood on his morning walks


…and much more!


So check the episode out. If you like it be sure to subscribe to the show and give it a 5 star rating and review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


If you’re interested in working together, check out builtdaily.com for options