🟡 Your thoughts and emotions influence your behaviors. Therefore, having a healthy relationship with your mind is a necessary part of achieving your Ideal Body.


An unhealthy relationship with your mind leads to self-sabotage, motivation struggles, and a suboptimal life experience.


By fixing your mindset you create a foundational framework that all other relationships (food, body, and exercise) can be built upon. This healthy mindset creates a synergy between these relationships and connects them all together - “completing” the Ideal Body Formula™.


So in episode 110 of Fitness & Sushi, Deanna and I are giving you the final part of our 4-part series of uncovering your unhealthy relationships with food, body, exercise, and mind, by diving into your mindset and breaking down 10 different scenarios in which an unhealthy relationship with your mind manifests in your life.


In this episode - “How to Identify the Sneaky Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship With Your Mind”, you'll learn...


🔶 10 ways an unhealthy relationship with your mind manifests in your life


🔶 How the traditional diet industry encourages these destructive patterns


🔶 Why overcoming these struggles is key to achieving your Ideal Body


🔶 Why you might think these patterns are personal flaws but there’s a cause and effect of why they’re happening


🔶 What you need to do to address these red flags


🔶 Deanna’s unexpected response to Tony’s heartfelt gratitude


…and much more!


So check the episode out. If you like it be sure to subscribe to the show and give it a 5 star rating and review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Take your free Ideal Body Assessment here - idealbodyassessment.com