🟡 You might be ready to ditch diet culture and its focused mission to achieve the societal beauty standard at any cost, but you don’t know what to do once you’ve made that decision.


Do you go into Intuitive Eating? Body Positivity? Health at Every Size?


No, you focus on achieving the NEW Ideal body.


The new Ideal Body rejects the extremes of all these communities and helps you incorporate the best ideas.


Diet culture, intuitive eating, and body positivity all have their extremes, but they also all have their more moderate views. When you find the middle ground you can thrive while still achieving your goals.


So in episode 106 of Fitness & Sushi, Deanna and I are going to show you what this middle ground looks like so you can stop feeling trapped in diet culture and start feeling empowered to achieve your own unique Ideal Body.


In this episode - “How to Ditch Diet Culture and Achieve the NEW Ideal Body”, you'll learn...


🔶 What diet culture is and why it’s harming you


🔶 Why swinging to the other extreme isn’t the answer either


🔶 What the new Ideal Body is and how to find your unique version


🔶 Why your Ideal Body is always changing


🔶 How to take the good from each extreme and reject the bad


🔶 Why Deanna struggles to define words


…and much more!


So check the episode out. If you like it be sure to subscribe to the show and give it a 5 star rating and review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


To join the FREE 5-day Ideal Body Challenge just go to idealbodychallenge.com