*Fitness Forever Whatever is no longer in production, but is archived on this podcast feed. For more information, visit ChaseBarron.com/podcast.

Whether you are brand new to fitness or you are hitting a plateau, this episode is for you. It’s time to jumpstart your progress with these practical tips! Losing weight, building muscle, and staying lean is simple - but it's not easy. Dialing in your training and nutrition will not happen fast. You must take this process one step at a time by focusing on the fundamentals.

Topics covered include: getting motivated, staying consistent, setting realistic goals, defining your WHY, hydration and water intake, walking and tracking steps, sleeping better, easy dieting strategies, the 3-plates-2-snacks method, portion control, eating fruits and veggies, good protein sources, avoiding processed foods, optimizing your environment for health, improving your mindset, practicing gratitude, and more!


*DON’T FORGET to send me a personal email. Ask me a question and tell me 3 things that you’re grateful for:



All links mentioned in today's episode listed below:

My YouTube Video on Fitness First Steps

My YouTube Video on How to Walk 10k+ Steps per Day


I’m a personal trainer, content creator, and dog dad from Pittsburgh, PA. Find me online:








© Chase Barron / Fitness Forever Whatever (2021)