*Fitness Forever Whatever is no longer in production, but is archived on this podcast feed. For more information, visit ChaseBarron.com/podcast.

Are you an ordinary person who wants to lose weight, get stronger, and hit your goals while enjoying life? Then you need to hear this conversation with Jordan Syatt. Get ready to finally improve your fitness, business, and mindset for good. Here comes the simple (yet difficult) truth.


Jordan Syatt is a strength and nutrition coach who holds multiple powerlifting world-records. Jordan is a well-respected voice in the modern fitness community and is a prominent thought-leader in the online space. He has helped thousands of ordinary people to burn fat, build muscle, and get into the best shapes of their lives. He even coached Gary Vaynerchuck for 2 + ½ years straight!


Jordan recently turned 30 and moved across the country. In this conversation, we unpacked the past decade of his life. It's been quite the journey, and it's not over yet. You can find Jordan online here:





I’m a normal dude, personal trainer, and dog dad from Pittsburgh, PA. You can find me online here:





You can take part in this conversation by joining our private Facebook group:



You can support the show for $5/month on Patreon to receive exclusive perks:



A very special thank you to my Patreon friends:

Aaron Garcia

Beau Shepherd

Bransyn Luther

Cooking Fat

Dale Droski


Dave Caldwell

Debbie Ford

Hanna Ahmad

Jacob Welte

Jessica Glaser

Joseph Rice

Josh Woodruff


Mark Thornburgh

Michael Vazquez

Mike Mercado

Nelson Chipman

Orlando Marin

Paul M

Phil Schwan

Renjie Yi

Rich Barron

Samantha Culleton


Will Lloyd

Yoran Heij


© Chase Barron / Fitness Forever Whatever (2021)