Do you struggle with staying committed to a training program or meal plan?




I'm going talk about different personality types and how sometimes if you're hating the type of training or dieting you're doing it might be a good sign that it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate. There's probably something about the format that simply isn't a match for your personality type to stay interested and committed. What happens if you're not interested and committed? Your chances of sticking with it and reaching your goals aren't that likely.




• How powerlifting made me change my mindset about lifting alone

• Why your boundaries and preferences should be a priority in deciding what type of training will help you to stay committed

• Applying personality types when choosing a nutrition plan 

• Using fear and rewards for motivators 



Happier with Gretchen Rubin and The Four Tendencies:
Four Tendencies Quiz

Four Tendencies Book


Set up a 1-on-1 virtual coaching session with me to help you get unstuck:






I’m Kelly Wilson, owner of and I’m a personal trainer, nutrition coach, behavior change specialist, autoimmune disease educator and I’ve worked in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years. I’m here to help you ditch the gimmicks, find strength through your struggles, give you the knowledge for making the smartest choices for your own health and to remind you to celebrate victory along the way. 



The information shared is for educational and informational purposes only. None of the contents should be interpreted as an intent to diagnose, treat, cure, heal, or prescribe.