"Why have I taken 50 years to feel good about myself?" -Leslie Dueck

Leslie didn't identify as someone who had done many diets. But although she didn't prescribe to the fad diets and plans out there, she had spent her entire adult life in the on-again-off-again cycle.

She was stuck in the cycle of doing really good for a while, then falling off track and feeling bad about herself. Feeling guilty, shameful.

In her first 6 month of Fit + Vibrant Over 50, Leslie lost 25 pounds. But to her, it didn't even matter much anymore.

She gained so much more:
💕 Freedom from the guilt and shame cycle so that she can truly enjoy her life
💕 Confidence that she will keep going no matter what, because she has the tools to do so
💕 No longer being controlled by food

If this sounds like you, you're going to want to listen to Leslie's story.

-Tanja x

When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help.

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⭐️ For Women Over 50: Discover the 4 Steps that have Helped 100s of Women Achieve their Happy, Healthy Weight, Permanently and Naturally, Without the Obsession: www.fitvibrant50.com