This is probably one of my most open and vulnerable episodes. I had to record this week’s podcast twice because the first time I spoke way too fast.

I was nervous. I have never shared what I share on today’s podcast.

You are NOT the sum of your parts.

And so often we do this…

Measuring yourself by your ‘imperfections’…

Your thighs.

Your stomach.

Your feet. 

Your arms.

 Your chin.

 Your teeth.

Your wrinkles. 

That scar.

Your weight.

And you look to others and compare yourself on that one criterion.

She has smooth skin.

She has perfect teeth.

The perfect body.

I wish I could say this is something I used to do, but I still do it.

And honestly, I often don’t even realize I am doing it.

It’s like a soundtrack that’s been on repeat for YEARS.

It becomes background noise; you don’t even know it's there.

But what if we rewrite that script? What if they were not problems that needed to be fixed?

What if different didn't mean wrong?

What if you decided to truly love yourself, fully and completely?

Would you feel freer?

Would you be more open to adventure and intimacy?

Would you take care of YOU? Eat to nourish your body and give yourself energy? Move your body to be strong and energized?

How would life be different?

Thank you for listening,

-Tanja x