You commit to losing weight, resist temptations, but then that binge happens, and you're left wondering, "What happened to my willpower?"

Can you relate?

Willower is a battery that diminishes the more you use it. It is NOT a realistic key to weight loss. 

Relying on willpower is a red flag. 

Willpower is another dieting trap.

It’s a quick fix.

It’s the easy way out, avoiding the deeper habits and the root cause that led to weight gain in the first place. 

If you want to break free of the struggle with food and your weight, I created this podcast for you. 

Join me on episode 371 for a deep dive on how to lose weight without relying on willpower, and feeling deprived.

Plus I share something very personal that I’ve never shared on the podcast before.

Press play and let’s chat!

-Tanja x

P.S. If you are are a woman over 40 and are ready to end the struggle with food so you can lose weight without the obsession and feel free in your body and life, it's YOUR TIME! Get started with a call here: