If you're like many women I talk to, you might think that being kind to yourself and accepting yourselves will result in complacency and letting ourselves go.

And often it does.

You let yourself off the hook.
You no longer feel bad about giving into your excuses.
You say “it’s OK, you’ve had a tough day” or “at least you’re better than before”

And we think that’s being KIND to ourselves. 

It’s NOT. It’s leading to MORE of what you don’t want.

More disappointment. Less energy. Weight gain.

The pendulum swings wildly from beating yourself up and being hard on yourself, to being really accepting and complacent.

My friend, neither are great strategies if you want to have a body AND life that you love.

You deserve to feel good.

Join in me in this week's episode as I share a third option, that is not beating yourself up or letting yourself off the hook so that you get to your goals and enjoy the journey.

When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help.

⭐️  FREE Quiz: Uncover Your Weight Loss Roadblock. Take this 2 minute quiz get your personalized 3 step plan to breakthrough what's keeping you stuck. www.fitvibrantquiz.com 

⭐️ Get the Wake Up Call: Inspiration and Motivation to become a fitter, healthier, more confident and happier version of yourself, every single day. www.fitvibrant50.com/thewakeupcall

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