Digestion is one of the foundational systems in our body. Every other system in our body depends on good digestion so that it can function well.

The food we eat become hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, body cells and energy... important for mood, energy, metabolism, for living vibrantly!

BUT, so many women (and all people) struggle with poor digestion... and we just don't talk about it!

We're too embarrassed to talk about the fact that we're not pooping regularly, or are afraid to leave the house in case we REALLY have to go.

We're told to take antacids when we have heartburn, or that we just need to drink more water or take a laxative when can't go.

While many of my clients do benefit from specific protocols to improve digestion and overall health, much of our poor digestion is due to poor lifestyle habits.

The good news is that you can CHANGE them!

Join me in this week's episode of the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast to learn simple (and free) practices you can implement to support your digestive system. 

When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help.

⭐️  FREE Quiz: Uncover Your Weight Loss Roadblock. Take this 2 minute quiz get your personalized 3 step plan to breakthrough what's keeping you stuck. www.fitvibrantquiz.com 

⭐️ Get the Wake Up Call: Inspiration and Motivation to become a fitter, healthier, more confident and happier version of yourself, every single day. www.fitvibrant50.com/thewakeupcall

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