You have ditched the diet cycle, and have normalized your relationship with food, and you're actually nice to yourself (most of the time anyway ;), but you want more.

You really do want to lose some more weight, or level up your fitness, but you're afraid that you'll revert back into the diet obsession. 

There are many people out there who say that intentional weight loss is the cause of diet obsession and self hate. 

I strongly disagree. 

I believe you can have a joyful, peaceful relationship with food AND pursue weight loss goals. 

I believe you can lose weight without being obsessed with your diet. 

I believe you can fine tune your eating habits without falling into the 'all or nothing' trap.

I'm really glad you're here.
Let's dive in! 

 If you are loving the podcast it would mean a lot to me if you left a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the podcast. I create a little tutorial on how to leave a review:

-Tanja x

When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help.

⭐️  Save the date! The Self Sabotage Solution 5 Day Challenge starts September 19. 

⭐️  Want to learn more about working with me? Let's chat:

⭐️ Get the Wake Up Call: Inspiration and Motivation to become a fitter, healthier, more confident and happier version of yourself, every single day.

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