One of the most insidious (but seemingly innocent) barrier that gets in our way of creating change is the notion that we have time. That we can start tomorrow, or when the kids get back to school, or when work settles down, or when we finish that one project. When the house renos are done. When the puppy is trained. 

I'll stop bringing work home with me when I'm done this one project.
I'll start exercising when the weather gets better.
I'll be able to be more present and spend more time with my family when work settles down.
I'll eat all the things today to get it out of my system so I can start fresh tomorrow... (yeah... like that ever works!)

Like Annie says "Tomorrow is always a day away".

We KNOW that time is a limited resource. It's finite. Yet we act as if its not. We act as if we will always have time, and as if it's ours to waste.

Join me for some real talk and to get inspired to take action NOW (like right now) on the things that are important to you. I'll guide you through a few action items/ journaling questions to help you get the ball rolling.

And, THANK YOU to everyone who has left a review on iTunes. You make my heart smile!

Tanja x