Do you sometimes feel like your own worst enemy?
Are you motivated and knowledgable about what to do when it comes to reaching your health and fitness goals, only to find your best-laid plans derailed by emotional eating or self-sabotage? Do you identify as an emotional or binge eater?

It's not your fault. You're not broken. And this podcast is for you.

I'm joined by Kayla van Egdom, certified personal trainer, mindbody eating coach and author. Kayla is passionate about helping women free themselves from the clutches of emotional eating and body hate so they can live rich, textured, present lives.
Listen in to discover:
* The real reason we struggle with emotional eating- and what you can do about it
* 3 mindset shifts you need to make today to make progress toward overcoming emotional eating
* Exactly what to do during, and immediately after a binge/ emotional eating event to stop the downward spiral

All the show notes are at