Are you either 100% in, or completely off the wagon? 

Many people identify as ‘all or nothing’ thinkers. They are either being really ‘good’, where they are completely on track with their planned meals and workouts, OR they ‘cheat’ with one too many glasses or wine or a bag or chips, and then throw in the towel for the rest of the day, week, or month. 

It’s black and while. All or nothing. And this type of thinking is one of the most common reasons people fail to lose weight, or fail to keep off the weight they fought so hard to lose.

We know, cognitively that this type of thinking isn’t helpful with it comes to weight loss. After all, no one would think that have three pieces of cheese cake just because they had one would help weight loss. But our emotions still seems to steer us to this way of thinking.

Listen in, and then TAKE ACTION!