A lot of people don't understand heartrate. Many tools like apple watches or heart rate monitors give over-generalized results that are less than accurate. The truth is the choices we make every day greatly affect your metabolism.

You hear people say things like, ", I have a terrible metabolism." But the truth is we have more control over it than that common myth asserts. Your body wants to stay the same. This phenomenon is called homeostasis. But much like turning the titanic takes a long time, our micro-decisions over years and years turn the "ship" of our metabolism.

It's also important to note that not all calories come from the same place. Since the body wants to maintain homeostasis, it can work against you with fitness goals as well. It takes time and consistency. Imagine you are stranded on an island like Tom Hanks in "Castaway." At first, the lack of food causes intense weight loss, but over time your body would begin to adjust to the much smaller nutritional values, and your metabolism would begin to reset itself to your circumstances.

We also talked about the importance of detoxing and what it does hormonally and how that affects our metabolism. There are so many components that happen hormonally during detox that reset those slow-moving changes to our metabolism. People may see a lot less puffiness, have more energy, sleep better. 

What can people do if they find themselves stuck or no longer seeing results in their fitness journey?

Watch the amount of sleep you're gettingGet a workout partner/professional trainerHave a path/plan for longterm sustainable changeJournal (we share some tips on how to journal)

Your body will give you signs that you are heading in the right direction. You will feel better, happier, see other benefits. In the same sense, it will give you signs you are heading in the wrong direction.

Paul shares his journey and his fascination with metabolic testing. He is passionate about helping people understand the "why" behind their decisions. He finds his biggest fulfillment when people understand that for themselves instead of simply following the direction of a food plan or exercise regiment.

What are the three things people can focus on right now to make a transformation in their bodies?
1. Eat
2. Move 
3. Sleep

We address the question "Does wearing a mask improve your immune system?" No. 

Although we hear a lot about protecting your immune system we don't hear the more practical advice of how to improve/boost your immune system.